Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hang Afzal Guru, demands widow of Parliament attack victim


I was surprised to read that since Aug, 2005, no home minister had time to review the mercy plea?!! WOW this is called efficiency at its best!

"on August 4, 2005. His mercy plea is pending and Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde has said he will study the file after Parliament's winter session ends on December 22"

Well done my dear leaders. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

APN setting for Iphone 5 running 6.0.1

To change your iPhone 5 APN setting 

1. Connect to WiFi
2. go to
3. Select the 2nd icon from bottom "Create APN"
4. Select Country - USA, Carrier = AT&T MNVO (With Proxy)
5. Click Create APN
6. After downloading, it will ask to install.
7. Go ahead and install it.

Thats it.


Friday, November 9, 2012

create table - test

-- temptable column FN, LN

insert into temptable (dsc.fn, dsc.ln, est.fn, etc.ln,,

select dsc.FN, DSC.LN, DCS.PersonID , ETS.FN, ETS.LN, ETS.PErsonID

from dsc, est

where ltrim(rtim(upper(replace(dsc.fn)))) = ltrim(rtim(upper(ets.fn)))

and ltrim(rtim(upper(replace(dsc.ln)))) = ltrim(rtim(upper(ets.ln)))

and ltrim(rtim(upper(replace( = ltrim(rtim(upper(

and dsc.dob = ets.dob


Monday, October 1, 2012

Vegeterian: Similac ® Advance ® and Similac ® Advance ® Organic

About Similac® Advance® Organic Ready-to-Feed and Similac® Advance®.

I called their customer  care #: 1-800-850-7677 to ask if the Similac® Advance® contained any eggs derived ingredients or any  ingredient derived from animal blood or flesh.

The good news is none is derived. However, the Vitamin D is derived from Sheep Wool. The rep told me that sheep need not be slaughtered for this.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Test MI, NJ

-- Gets all table name and column name of MI which are not in NJ

SELECT mi.tablename,mi.ColumnName, mi.tablename || mi.ColumnName
where mi.tablename || mi.ColumnName NOT IN
SELECT  nj.tablename || nj.columnname

-- -- Gets all table name and column name of NJ  which are not in MI

SELECT nj.tablename,nj.ColumnName, nj.tablename || nj.ColumnName
where nj.tablename || nj.ColumnName NOT IN
SELECT  mi.tablename || mi.columnname
FROM  mi)

-- || is used for concatenation

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 'abc_id' = Column name
'_id' =  string to be removed

select substr('abc_id', 0, length('abc_id') -  instr('abc_id', '_id') + 1 )  from table_name;

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flying clubs near to Lansing, MI

Flying Clubs
Olds Forge Flyers: P.O. Box 80565 Lansing, MI 48908-0565 (517) 351-4675

Spartan Wings, Inc:
200 Shoesmith Rd Haslett, MI 48840 517-655-1432
15 Corporation: Mason
Darrell 517-282-5183
Share: 3500 + Monthly: 106/Month (may be $60 in near future) $60.00 wet
1970 Cesnna 177

Ledge Aero: Grand Ledge Airport. Address
President: Pwight: (W) 517.349.2096 (M) 517.281.0769
Member: John Oderink: 517-749-0926
Member (student): Ryan: 517.285.3800
Member: Kim : 517.230.9000

Flying Schools
Crosswinds Aviation (Cessna flying school)  : 3800 W. Grand River Howell, MI 48855 (517) 552-1101

GrandAir Aviation
: 16815 Wright Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Phone: (517) 627-9557


2. Larry Benjaman: (H) 517.663.5870 (m) 517.204.4651

Hobbs Time or Tach Time?

Renting a plane for flying has different elements in it.
1. Wet/Dry: Wet means the fuel cost is included in the rental. Where as dry means one has to pay extra for the fuel above the normal rental rate. Of all the rates that I now I see are wet hours. But check with your club/instructor.

2.Hobbs Time or Tach Time: Putting is simple;

Hobbs Time: When the main engine starts Hobbs Time starts. So the time for taxi will about be counted towards rental.
Tach Time:When a aircraft reached a certain RPM, then the Tach Time starts.

So while renting Tach Time makes sense. But I guess on the other hand when logging time Hobbs time will "inflate" hours in the log book.

Total  concise definition (taken from the discussion forum stated below):
Tach Time: The tach is connected to the engine via a cable that turns with the engine and thus clocks at engine rotation speed. If you sit and idle long enough you will see that it is moving ever so slowly. It is designed to reflect a true hour at typical cruise RPM.

Hobbs Time: The Hobbs on the other hand is usually connected to an oil pressure switch that makes when the engine starts and records ,supposedly, a true hour.

A very good decision is here: