Saturday, October 25, 2008

H1B aspirants beware.

Hi all my friends.

If you are H1B aspirant and/or coming on H1B to USA then beware of the desi consultants.

I came in March, 2008. If u have read my previous blogs then you will come to know a little abt my life in USA.

I am going what happened to me in the last 10 days. After reading this you can conclude on the things and decide.

My project got abruptly got over on Oct 10th. And I came to Mechanicsburg, where my wife was having her job. But unfortunately, she project also got over on 14th Oct. A little unfortunate.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to Pavalion

I am writing this on Nov, 11th 2008. Exactly 1 month after my project got over. Please read in this context.

Hi All

I am in the dressing room again.

My current job is getting over this week. I really enjoyed my work, actually there was not much work. We were a team of 4. My main work was on generating reporting. Work was cool.

My manager was a female, and u know wht.. Yes r u right. The most ridiculous manager seen in my life, yet. She did not know nothing, all she was best was at Micro Management. When are you coming and going, lunch timings. etc. Although she was trying her best to learn the things.

A team member, the senior most, was one day coming at 9.05AM. She raised her eyes and said "You are late today!". He never went at 5 06 6. Always used to stay back for work. And my manager, I named her Gangu Bai. Gangu Bai never stated till 5.00 PM.
She was very of her citizenship.

Any how, i do not want to criticize her much.

The senior team mate was very cooperative and supportive, otherwise it would have been a bitter affair. My Super Manager said since we do not have much work for Q4 and Q1 2009 next year, we are not extending the project. We also had a new full time employee, i guess that was the reason that my project did not extended.

Anyways, let see when is my next venture.

When my project got ver I was under the impression that My employer will give me onbench salary(which he promised before we came to india and also he HAS to pay by law), BUT I got a call from him that "We will not be able to pay you on bench.".

This is just bull shit, how can they back off from their promises. Actually all these desi conpanies will do like this. He gave me reasons like US economy going down, etc all that crap.

The time I was into job then never all good, but I was on bench, they shows their real face and breed. I was really sick.

My company also help my airfare, my security money and now they will pay be just 10 days of my salary....

Guys, i sometimes see the USA is a sweel net/cage where we all come to earn in tons. But this is all the bull shit that going in parallel.

Please do the background check of the company that you are going to join. My company has a comple of certificates like "Winner of 2007 NJBIA Awards for Excellence in the Job Creation Category" and "Winner of 2007 NJBIZ New Jersey's Finest Award" honoring 50 Fastest Growing Companies in NJ". I do not know how they managed to get these, but I am sure these institutes also did not had a good background of the companies.


My project ended and my wifes also, how is this world will we survive?